
Welcome to Acton Playgroup. Please contact us if you wish to have a look around our setting.

" At Acton Playgroup we are passionate about children being happy and confident, whilst supporting diversity and recognising individuality and uniqueness"

*** We hope you are all having a restful Christmas and New Year break and enjoying the festivities. We are excited for the spring term and look forward to welcoming back our returning children and also all of our new starters too. Children return to playgroup Tuesday 7th January 2025.

Please remember to check your tapestry posts and our facebook page for regular updates. Our new Playgroup Admin number is 07513103557***

Please take a moment to read the online safety information on the 'Internet and Online Safety' page.

Please take a look at our new page....'In the moment' planning. This can be found under the ' Your Child' heading.

Our latest newsletters can be found on the ' News' page....

 Please be assured that all Government Guidelines are still being adhered to with regards to hygiene and thorough risk assessments have been completed. We will use all our skills and knowledge to the best of our abilities to ensure a positive time for your child.

With thanks to our kind sponsors........


Committee News

Our Committee are continuing to work hard to promote our next fundraising activity. Our Festive Fayre is on Sunday 1st December at Acton Village Hall and Playing Fields....Please come along and help us raise much needed funds for Playgroup.

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British Values

According to Ofsted, the following British Values must be incorporated and demonstrated through EYFS learning and play.

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Meet Our Staff

At Acton Playgroup we pride ourselves on our rigorous recruitment process and experienced and hard working staff.

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Enrol Now

We would always recommend parents start this process as early as possible to avoid disappointment.

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What we are up to...

Chinese New Year Celebrations Jan 27th to 31st

The children have been celebrating Chinese New Year. They have been creating snakes 🐍as it is The Year of the Snake and some of the other animals too that appeared in the race for a position.  We have tasted some Chinese inspired foods and created a dragon for our dragon 🐉 dancing. We incorporated lots of maths and numer...

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Your Child

Finding the best in every child


Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential. Children develop quickly in the early years and a child's experiences between birth and age five have a major impact on their future life chances

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Ofsted (Outstanding)

Summary of key findings ( Inspection date 22nd July 2019) * The leadership and management of the playgroup are inspirational. The manager is incredibly knowledgeable, highly skilled and exceptionally committed. The leadership and management offered by the playgroup committee provide excellent support and guidance for the staff team.

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SEND (Special educational needs and disability)

At Acton Playgroup we ensure the best possible educational outcomes are achieved for children with SEN and disabilities.

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