Autumn Term 2022 so far......

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13/11/2022 - What we are up to...


Our Wednesday afternoon children and their parent/carer accompanied us on an autumnal walk to Acton Church. As we walked the children observed the changing colours around us and searched for leaves of different colours and shapes.
When we arrived we were greeted by The Rev Faith who talked to the children about various fruits and vegetables asking them if we had them with ' gravy or custard?' and how we should thank God for sending the sunshine and the rain to help them all grow.


The children were able to explore the church grounds looking for conkers,leaves and twigs and walked and stomped through the very crunchy leaves.

The children have also been exploring pumpkins and the gourds that we grew in the playgroup garden.

Diwali...The Festival of Light and Bonfire Night

The children have been creating rangoli patterns using paint and rice, making diva lamps with clay and also paper lanterns. They also had the opportunity to try some Indian foods such as rice, curry and poppadoms as we celebrated Diwali.

Both Diwali and Bonfire Night have fireworks to celebrate so the children have been exploring the many colours and the different sounds fireworks make.


The children painted their hands and used lolly sticks to create their bonfires.



The children were given a plate of different coloured paints and a rangoli pattern to observe. The children then independently used their paints to recreate their own version of the pattern.