Since returning after half term the children have been given the opportunity to take part in our Diwali and Guy Fawkes celebrations. Diwali is the " Festival of Light" and is one of the major festivals celebrated by Hindus and Sikhs. The children were introduced to the story behind the celebrations and learnt how Rama had to resuce Sita from the evil Ravana.
The children used their kneading, squeezing, poking and rolling skills to create their diva lamps before using their fine motor skills to attach the small beads and sequins.
The children observed the different patterns that a firework might make and they had great fun using the syringes to squirt water at the painted bonfire.
We also made banana muffins as we celebrated a birthday. The children were able to see the list of ingredients and instructions on the IPAD before using their writing and mark making skills to create their own lists.