OUR NATIVITY -- December 2020......All of our children were able to take part in our nativity play this year. The play was filmed in setting due to the current rerstrictions and sent to the parents via Tapestry and our closed facebook page.
The children were all amazing and practised hard learning all the songs and looked stunning in their costumes.
Unortunately due to circumstances beyond our control we were unable to have our Christmas Dinner when planned.....Weds Dec 15th 2020 so Sarah the school cook kindly cooked it for us on our return to playgroup in the new year. It was absolutely delicious and well worth the wait.... Thank you Sarah..
NEW YEAR ..... 2021... January/February
Bird watching Week... The children took part in many activities as we celebrated National Bird watching week. The children made nests, bird feeders of different kinds, looked at bird books and made binoculars to bird watch in our outdoor area and marking off the birds they spotted on their tick sheets.
Problem solving week..... during this week the children were presented with various challenges and tasks to support their problem solving skills...
Which tops fit which containers ? How do I get to the centre of the maze ? How can I move the paper without touching it ?
People who help us... during the week we carried out activities to support the children's understanding of various professions of those who help us.... firefighters, police officers, refuse collectors, postal service and the medical profession.
The children enjoyed playing in our Post Office and particularly enjoyed our recycling activity sorting the different items of rubbish into the correct bins or place of recycling.
NATIONAL STORY TELLING WEEK.... this week we chose 5 stories by Julia Donaldson to base our activities on. ...we read our favourites...The Gruffalo, Stick Man, Room on the Broom, What the ladybird Heard and A Squash and a Squeeze.
During mindfulness week the children were able to take part in our calming and relaxing activities. The children enjoyed yoga, listening to classical music whilst creating with clay, popping bubble wrap and using the bubble wrap to print with our feet.
Some of the children created rainbow bracelets for their peers who are not attending playgroup at the moment.
We shared the book.. While we can't hug.. and then the children used clay to create their own hedgehogs.
ICE AND SNOW........
We had fun in the snow and also freezing different objects in the ice.
The children enjoyed exploring the dry rice and hiding the gold coins, writing their name using chinese letters and counting out golden chocolate coins to put in their bags.
We also enjoyed some chinese food and created our own chinese lanterns.

Making hearts for our friends and family..........