Since returning from the Easter holidays the children have been taking part in many different activities including celebrating the Queen's 95th birthday and also in remembering Prince Philip.
The children designed some food and cakes they thought the Queen might like and we discussed where she lives ie sometimes in a palace and sometimes in a castle and talked about her corgi dogs.
The children have also been making worry dolls. These have helped the children to talk about and deal with their worries and the children understood that they needed to be placed under their pillow and the worry doll would help to take their worries all away. We have held many group discussions about how we can deal with our concerns and worries and emphasised how it is good to talk about them and share them with others.
During the month of March we celebrated St David's Day on the 1st and St Patrick's Day on the 17th. These are the patron saints of Wales and Ireland respectively. The children joined in our Irish dancing and looked for gold coins at the end of the rainbow on St Patrick's Day and painted some amazing daffodil pictures on St David's Day.
On April 23rd the children made some George Cross flags as we celebrated St. George's Day.
The children have had many different opportunities to take part in lots of expressive and fun activities to expand and extend their learning.