Spring and Summer Term Activities 2018

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18/01/2019 - What we are up to...

During the Spring and Summer Term of 2018 the children were learning about " People Who Help Us".  We had visits from a vet, a dentist and  Fireman Jo!!  Some of the children took part in a visit to Sudbury Police Station where we spent some time in the cells!





We also celebrated World Book Day and the staff and children dressed as popular book characters.


The children also took part in many activities as we celebrated St. George's Day  - creating the flag with many different techniques.



During the month of May we created an amazing beach scene in the outdoor area for the children to enjoy. Thanks to a local building merchant we were able to lay down vast amounts of sand and pebbles and we also created  'beach themed' activities such as an ice-cream stall and a Punch and Judy show.  Also during May we celebrated the Royal Wedding and the children enjoyed dressing up and recreating the wedding ceremony.






During June we welcomed our caterpillars to the setting.The children were very excited to watch them grow, turn into a chrysallis/cocoon and then later on to emerge as beautiful butterflies.  
The children practised very hard at their sports day races and we had an amazing time at the summer fete where we held our annual sports day.
We also welcomed many of our dads and grandads to our Fathers Day stay and play. The children and their dads enjoyed a bacon or sausage sandwich before taking part in activities in the classroom and also in the forest.






Also during June 2018 the older children took part in our weekly forest school activiites and some of the children were also able to join in with the Multi-Sports games with Callum.




On June 8th we took our annual playgroup outing to Hollowtrees Farm. The children were able to take part in many activities such as feeding the goats and pigs and setting some lettuces. During our free time we explored the farm trail and play equipment.



July 2018--- During July we celebrated American Independence Day on the 4th, enjoyed football activities as the World Cup was being played and we also painted our stones for the children to take on their travels and adventures, to hide in special places for other to people to find them.

We were also fortunate enough to have a visit from a higher level forest schools teacher who shared some different activities with the children in the forest.

July is also the month in which we hold our summer celebration at the village hall where the children all sing,dance and perform for their families and friends. It is also time to say goodbye to our leavers at our graduation ceremony as we wish them well in their respective schools.






Summer Celebration and Graduation  2018